ULTRAHUMAN introduces

India’s most advanced wearables led program to boost your metabolism

Learn how to optimize your nutrition, exercise, sleep, and recovery with personalized suggestions from our performance coaching team.
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Our clinical trials have demonstrated that our proprietary metabolic score serves as a clinically validated marker to improve your metabolic health.
A higher metabolic score correlates with lower values in key clinical examinations such as Hs-CRP, HOMA-IR, OGTT, and HbA1c.
Consequently, a high metabolic score suggests improved levels of inflammation, reduced insulin resistance, enhanced glycemic response, and a healthier blood glucose profile.
What's included

Data-driven and personalized insights at your fingertips

1 Ultrahuman Ring
Understand the impact of sleep quality and how various stages like REM / NREM affect your metabolism and vice-versa.
6 CGM sensors
A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) measures your body's glucose levels in real-time.
Personalised guidance from Performance coaches
Personalised guidance from performance coaches and one weekly personalised coaching video
Exclusive access to Cyborg Army
1:1 personalized workspace with our performance coaching team
World's most advanced metabolism tracking platform
Real time, personalized nudges based on individual glucose response. Access to 1000+ hours of in-app fitness and recovery masterclass.
Learn how to optimize glucose metabolism through activity
Discover the impact of food you eat on your body’s glucose. Understand what works for you, and optimise what doesn’t with the Ultrahuman M1. Our coaches will guide you on your metabolic fitness journey.
Learn how to optimize glucose metabolism through activity
Exercise induced stress helps build insulin sensitivity. Learn to leverage activity to improve glucose utilization and build a sustainable regimen to maximize results.
Learn how to sleep better for better recovery and to improve glucose response
Just 4 to 5 days of poor sleep can increase insulin resistance by 25 - 30%. Optimise your sleep with insights from Ultrahuman Ring’s Sleep Index.

How Rewire works for members

Join the program
Learn how to optimize glucose metabolism through activity
Exercise induced stress helps build insulin sensitivity. Learn to leverage activity to improve glucose utilization and build a sustainable regimen to maximize results.
Learn how to increase glucose metabolism through activity
Exercise can reduce the risk of diabetes in adults by 50%. Learn to leverage activity to improve glucose utilisation and build a sustainable regimen to maximise results.
Learn how to sleep better for better recovery and to improve glucose response
Just 4 to 5 days of poor sleep can increase insulin resistance by 25 - 30%. Optimise your sleep with insights from Ultrahuman Ring’s Sleep Index.

Here is your program structure

Week 1
Priming week
This week will be used to set a baseline for the next few months. Here you will be entering your food, workouts and any other inputs that would be helpful for our performance coaches. At the end of this week, your performance coach will review this data to suggest a plan.
App-led Interventions
Impact of your lifestyle on your glucose
Baseline metabolic score and glucose levels
Onboarding guide & grocery shopping guide
1-on-1 call with performance coach for baselining and planning
Week 2-week 5
Understanding nutrition
This phase will focus on fixing the basics of nutrition. It will include understanding your body’s unique response to the meals and optimizing them. You will also understand tips and tricks to hack your metabolism.
App-led Interventions
Changes and tweaks to your nutrition for metabolic fitness
Basics of the nutrition for glucose regulation
Weekly personalized coaching video
1-on-1 call with performance coach for baselining and planning
Week 6-week 11
Managing activity and sleep
This phase will focus on improving metabolic health by targeting your activity and sleep in addition to your nutrition via in-app nudges and coaching. This phase will focus on helping you leverage the Ultrahuman M1 in tandem with your Ultrahuman Ring.
App-led Interventions
Activity and activity fueling scores
Impact of sleep on glucose and optimising nutrition for better sleep
Correlation between stress and blood glucose
Tweaking nutrition as per lifestyle
Weekly personalized coaching video
Week 12
Synthesize Your Learnings
Once you are equipped with the learnings from the programs, this phase will help you understand how to sustain the changes that you have made over the past 11 weeks. This is key to improving insulin sensitivity and improving long term metabolic health outcomes.
App-led Interventions
Feedback on nutrition
Feedback on sleep, activity, stress
Content for health optimization
1-on-1 call with performance coach
Highlighting habits to keep and areas to watch for in the future
Food Strategy Guides
Maintenance Strategy

Is this program for you?

Take the assessment
Yes, if you have a family history of diabetes. Rewire can help you reduce the risk.
Yes, if you are Overweight or obese. Rewire can help overweight or obese individuals lose weight and reduce their risk of developing prediabetes.
Yes, if you have been Previously diagnosed with prediabetes. Rewire can help individuals with prediabetes make lifestyle changes to prevent the progression to diabetes.
Yes, if you are a Sedentary individual. Rewire can encourage sedentary individuals to be more active and help you to develop a regular exercise routine.

Plans and Pricing

An Ultrahuman Ring is mandatory to participate in this program.
starting at
₹ 2,249/mo*
* Learn more about no-cost EMI offers
Plan contains
1 Ultrahuman Ring
6 CGM Sensors
3 months guided program with performance coaches
Lifetime Access to Ultrahuman metabolic fitness platform and community
starting at
₹ 1,499/mo*
* With no cost EMI in selected banks
Plan contains
6 CGM Sensors
3 months guided program with performance coaches
Lifetime Access to Ultrahuman metabolic fitness platform and community
starting at
₹ 2,249/mo*
* With no cost EMI in selected banks
Plan contains
1 Ultrahuman Ring
6 CGM Sensors
3 months guided program with performance coaches to manage pre-diabetes
Lifetime Access to Ultrahuman metabolic fitness platform and community
starting at
₹ 1,499/mo*
* Learn more about no-cost EMI offers
Plan contains
6 CGM Sensors
3 months guided program with performance coaches to manage pre-diabetes
Lifetime Access to Ultrahuman metabolic fitness platform and community
* By enrolling yourself in this program, you agree and give your consent for Ultrahuman to share your personal data (such as including glucose data) with your healthcare professional/doctor and Ultrahuman’s performance coaches.
ultrahuman platform

Empowering you with the data to take control of your health

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Ultrahuman is a unique interplay of hardware and software that seamlessly monitors important biomarkers in your body.
It nudges you with real-time actionable insights so you can make continuous atomic changes to improve your health and longevity.

How does Rewire differ from traditional programs?

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Personalized Performance Coaching
3 one-on-one calls and weekly coaching video from the performance coach in your slack DMs.
Comprehensive Metabolic Tracking
Integrated data on all inputs that affect metabolic health i.e. nutrition, sleep, activity and recovery through the Ultrahuman M1 and Ring.
Education and Mentoring Program
Mentoring by performance coaches on improving metabolic health outcomes as well as self paced modules on app for learning.
continued access Post-Program
Continued access to the app and insights via the Ultrahuman Ring and optional access through Ultrahuman M1.
Ongoing Multichannel Support
Consistent support across multiple channels during the course of the program.
learning for life
You learn to manage your metabolic health on your own over the course of the program.

Have any questions?
Talk to an expert.

Fill up the form. Our experts will get in touch to clarify your doubts.


Frequently asked Questions

When does the program start for me?

The program starts on Day 1 of the application of your first sensor.

What are the delivery timelines for Ultrahuman M1 and the Ultrahuman Ring?

Delivery for CGM : 2 to 5 days
Delivery for Ring Sizing Kit : 2 to 5 days
Delivery for Ultrahuman Ring : ~4 weeks after submitting the size.

The program is designed to ensure that you gain the most out of the wearables. The first phase of the program is focused on fixing nutrition and understanding how to use the Ultrahuman M1 for nutrition planning. The second phase second phase of the program focuses on sleep, activity and stress in addition to nutrition leveraging the Ultrahuman M1 and the Ultrahuman Ring.

How does Ultrahuman M1 and Ring work together?

Ultrahuman is the only company in the world offering integrated, personalized insights from a CGM and a smart Ring. Glucose data from Ultrahuman M1 together with movement, sleep and body data from the Ultrahuman Ring can derive deep correlations between what you eat and how you should act to keep your metabolic health in check in a pro-active manner.

Data from how certain foods effect your glucose levels using M1 are used to suggest activities to counter/aid these effects.The marriage of M1 and Ring data allows us to give you truly personalized insights into your metabolic health. It is the ultimate crossover episode.

How do the ring and M1 work together for sleep health?

Using Sleep and Glucose data in conjunction allows us to derive in real-time how your sleep effects glucose spikes.For instance, higher glucose than usual spikes for a given meal may be correlated to poor sleep. This allows us to notify you and let you take actions to rectify this accordingly.

Will I receive 1:1 coaching during the program?

Yes, you will have 3 1:1 coaching calls during the program. In addition to this, you will also receive weekly personalized video with feedback from your performance coach on slack.

What’s the difference between the Ultrahuman Ring and any other Consumer wearable devices?

The Ultrahuman ring is designed to help you understand the factors that affect your metabolism. These are factors like sleep (sleep quality and sleep zones), stress (HRV) and movement (activity distribution).The basic difference is that this is a metabolism tracker and it measures factors like sleep, stress and activity along with their impact on your glucose metabolism. The dynamic nature of the Ring, the actual ability to correlate the data that it collects with real-time nudges and insights to improve one's metabolic health is what sets it apart from others. You'll even have the ability to do an on-demand body scan.

Will this program help me if I have any medical conditions?

Disclaimer: This program aims to help our users understand the impact and correlation of different lifestyle factors such as nutrition, exercise, sleep & stress. If the participants have any medical concern, any information shared here will be verified with their doctor/ medical practitioner first. Ultrahuman shall not be liable for any complications arising in such cases).

Disclaimer: Ultrahuman's App, its services and the Ultrahuman Ring ("Ultrahuman's Products and Services") are not medical devices and are only intended to provide general information for users to improve their metabolic fitness and general wellness. Ultrahuman's Products and Services are not intended for disease management, treatment, or prevention, and should not be relied upon for any diagnostic or treatment decision. We do not intend to substitute professional medical opinion on the treatment, diagnosis, prevention or alleviation of diabetes or any other disease or disability. Always consult with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional about any health condition and/or concerns, that you may have. Please do not disregard/delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of information read on or accessed through Ultrahuman's Products and Services.Please work with your healthcare professional during the use of the third-party continuous glucose monitoring device (CGM) if you have a medical condition, if you have sensitive skin or a skin condition or have suffered a skin injury due to the use of the CGM. In case of any skin rashes, irritation, allergies or injuries as a result of use of the CGM and/or adhesive patch, please inform us and/or your healthcare professional without delay.Always consult with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional before changing any medication, routine, nutrition. Please keep in mind, the accuracy of the biomarkers data may also be affected if you are having a health condition. Therefore, please do not disregard/delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of information read on or accessed through Ultrahuman's Products and Services.Your use of the Ultrahuman's Products and Services and the CGM is entirely at your own risk. You assume full responsibility for your decisions and actions based on your use of the Ultrahuman's Products and Services and the CGM.
Note: By enrolling yourself in this program, you agree and give your consent for Ultrahuman Healthcare Private Limited and its affiliates (“Ultrahuman”) to share your personal data (such as including glucose data) collected by Ultrahuman from your use of Ultrahuman M1, with your healthcare professional/doctor and Ultrahuman’s performance coaches, for the purpose of your care including customising my workout, nutrition and fitness.
Copyright © 2023 Ultrahuman. All rights reserved.
Priced at 850 AED
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